Anxiety Therapy in Whitefish Bay, WI
Anxiety, panic, and stress don’t always feel how you think they will.
Sometimes it’s not being able to fall asleep because you’re mulling over every interaction from the day — or everything you need to remember for tomorrow.
Sometimes it’s intrusive thoughts elbowing their way into your conscious when you least expect it.
Sometimes it’s having a plan and totally losing your shit when things inevitably don’t go that way.
Sometimes it’s physical symptoms like shortness of breath or chest pain.
Sometimes it’s RAGE. Red hot RAGE. You’re not really an angry person, never have been. But oh man does that come out lately. It’s embarrassing. It’s not who you are.
Sometimes it’s an underlying sense of dread and doom that casts a shadow over everything you do, even the things that you enjoy. Sometimes it even prevents you from doing the things you enjoy in the first place.
The anxiety and stress are having an effect on your physical health too — weight gain, headaches, fatigue.
Sometimes it feels like it’s taking over your life. It feels like it’s drowning you. It’s frustrating, it’s debilitating, it’s heartbreaking.
You wish it would just STOP.
The anxiety can get better.
We can help. We can help those symptoms fade to the background. We can help you work with them, not against them. We can help you learn to cope when it does feel out of control and, ultimately, take back control of your life. Together, we will develop skills to help you manage your specific form of stress and anxiety, as well as implement strategies for minimizing it in the future.
Anxiety and stress can mean so many different things for different people, but they don’t have to continue to control your life. You can feel better, you can feel free of the crushing symptoms. The first step is finding a therapist that can help you with that.
If you’d like to see if one of our therapists are a good fit for you, click the button below to schedule a complimentary consult call at a time you choose. The ERA office is located in Whitefish Bay, but we are able to serve clients statewide via telehealth online.
FAQs About Anxiety Therapy:
Oh boy. Well, that’s a big question.
It can look and feel different for different people, but in general it is an persistent and intense worry about something. That something could have already happened, might be a possibility in the future, or is never likely to happen. One of the frustrating things about anxiety is that a lot of times it feels like it doesn’t make sense. Like “I KNOW that isn’t that important” or “I KNOW that isn’t going to happen”.
I mean, I think if you’re asking it probably is a problem. But basically if it impacts the things you can and can’t do, or keeps you from doing or enjoying things that you want to. If you’re frustrated by it, you could probably use some help with it.
They can really look differently for everyone, but some that we see often are:
Panic attacks
Changes in sleep (like not being able to fall asleep or waking frequently)
Changes in appetite (either more or less, some people find eating to be calming)
Intrusive thoughts
Again, this can look different for everyone. But if it’s impacting your well being or ability to enjoy your life - it’s a problem. A lot of people end up with physical symptoms (weight gain, hormonal issues, pain, headaches, etc.) that are caused by stress. It has a HUGE impact on our physical health, and we don’t want that for you!
Therapy is a really great start. CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy, which is what most people think of when they think of talk therapy) can be really effective. Modalities like Brainspotting and ERP can be really useful also.
We also frequently recommend lifestyle changes - like improving sleep or movement habits, meditation, and finding ways to simplify or reduce the amount of stressors in your life.
For a lot of people, it’s when anxiety stops feeling manageable on your own. If it feels like it is strongly interfering with a lot of areas of your life - it’s time to talk to someone about it. If you aren’t sure if you’re reading for therapy, schedule a consult with one of our clinicians and we can help you decide if now is the right time.
Like with therapy for other situations, the length of time someone engages in therapy can vary a lot. It depends on the circumstances around your anxiety, how intrusive it is in your life, and what you want out of therapy. It can also depend on how often you come and what you are doing outside of session to support working on your anxiety. Your clinician will work with you to find the balance that is right for you.
Our (pretty biased) opinion is that anxiety therapy can be right for just about anyone with anxiety who wants it or feels like they need it. We believe that you know yourself best, and if it feels like something isn’t right - you deserve the help you want to feel better.
At ERA, we have several tiers of clinician pricing. You can find our full fee schedule here:
An intake (first session) ranges from $60-$200 depending on the clinician, ongoing 50 minute sessions range from $50-$150 depending on clinician. At times, we do have some sliding scale spots available. If this is needed, please ask your clinician during the consultation call.
ERA's Favorite Anxiety & Stress Resources
Again, another personal favorite! I keep this on my nightstand and read the daily passage each night. A quick and easy way to get some mindfulness into your day.
Insight Timer
This is the app I use for mindfulness and meditations. They have a huge free library of tracks to listen to, as well as a paid membership. I highly recommend using this or another similar app. Studies show that even 5-7 minutes a day can have a profound impact!
Breathe Mama Breathe - Amazon
Quick mindfulness exercises for when you really don’t have time for mindfulness exercises.