December Relationship Boost

‘Tis the season for family, shopping, cleaning, decorating, hustle and bustle, colds, sledding (whenever it decides to snow), going from here to there, school concerts, school break. Busy, amiright!?

What about your partner?!

Oh yea, they can be pretty great, too! We also can have the tendency to put so much attention on all the other ‘things’ that our partners get lost in the mix. So why not take a moment each day to give some attention to each other!

I created this calendar as a guide for us all to focus on our partners/each other during the busy month of December. Do each day as suggested, or modify as needed. My goal for us all is to make sure we don’t lose sight of our partners in a season where so much of our focus is on one thousand other things. Attention in our relationships doesn’t have to be elaborate dates, boxes of chocolate, or flowers. It really can be small and simple things like a sweet text, making a meal together, or watching a show/movie together.

If you have questions about this relationship boost, reach out to me. If your relationship feels like it needs a little more help than this boost, that’s okay! I am happy to announce that I have added couples counseling to my available services. I have been helping couples for years and thoroughly enjoy couples counseling. Schedule a phone consultation and let’s chat about next steps.


Attention Management


A Therapist’s Therapy Journey