Couples Therapy in Whitefish Bay, WI
There are so many thoughts and questions swirling through your head about your relationship…
We can’t communicate.
They just really don’t understand me.
We were fine before the baby was born, what happened to us?!
I don’t trust them.
I really can’t have another argument.
But really though… are we ever going to have sex again?
I can’t believe they cheated. I don’t know if I can forgive that.
Why does this feel so hard? Is everybody’s marriage this hard?
Infertility is tearing us apart.
I don’t even feel like I know them anymore.
Do we need to get a divorce?
We never agree on finances.
Is this what our marriage will look like?
I don’t know if I can do this anymore…
And it can get better. It doesn’t have to stay this way.
We can help you get back on track - and find the fun together again.
You deserve to be happy with your partner. You both deserve respect and validation and to enjoy your lives - both together and as individuals, too. We can help you find that healthy balance.
Some couples seek counseling when they are near their wit’s end. When communication is hard, non-existent, or just not working. Some couples seek counseling when things are starting to feel rocky or when they feel like a relationship check-up is needed or even before marriage to work out some kinks. You may be considering marriage, or considering cohabitating, or never really intend to live together. You may be together for a few months or many years. There may be no kids, one kid, or multiple children. Maybe you are struggling to build your family and that’s putting to strain your relationship. Wherever you are in your process, couples therapy in Milwaukee can help.
The point is - whatever way you are sharing your lives together, it doesn’t have to feel this frustrating and lonely. You deserve a relationship that other people look at and think “wow that looks freaking amazing”. Let’s find the tools to help both of you feel heard and understood - and get your relationship feeling healthy and fulfilling
ERA Wellness clinicians are trained in the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy based on Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Research contributing to the method of therapy focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deep friendship and intimacy in your relationship, to help you productively manage conflicts, “resolve problems,” show appreciation to each other, and continue to navigate life together. This method of therapy is aimed to reconcile, maintain, and/or improve the relationship, keeping it intact.
Submit a New Client Inquiry with us below. Or read more about Jeni and Kelsey, our couples therapists at ERA.
We understand - relationships are HARD.
FAQs About Couples Therapy:
Couples Therapy is a specific form of psychotherapy that can help you and your partner improve your relationship. At ERA, clinicians are trained via the Gottman Method which works to improve communication in the relationship, increase intimacy and respect, resolve and repair conflict, and increase understanding in the relationship.
Couples Therapy starts with an intake session with both partners and your therapist. Next, each partner will meet individually with your therapist. These appointments are important to get to know each other, discuss concerns, and start to formulate goals. After the individual appointments, most appointments going forward will be conjoint sessions with both partners being present. It is in these sessions that we get to work on improving your relationship, working toward your goals, and feeling better in your relationship.
If you are here considering it as an option, it’s probably a sign that couples counseling may be a good idea. Generally speaking, couples wait a really long time to get help. At ERA, we are big believers in getting help sooner rather than later. It’s never too early. It’s never too late.
If you are considering it, that in itself can be a sign that couples therapy is needed. Other indicators include frequent arguments, frequent arguments that don’t get resolved, silent treatments, lack of intimacy, lack of respect for each other, along with a heightened sense of stress within the home. Couples therapy is also effective when used as a wellness check-in, or in a proactive state. Premarital couples therapy is important. Couples therapy can help you when you are considering a change such as moving in together, becoming exclusive with each other, considering engagement, marriage, or union. Couples therapy is also beneficial when family planning, facing fertility challenges, adoption, or choosing to be child-free.
Couples therapy is not appropriate if there is active domestic violence. If you are in this situation, please seek help and get yourself safe.
Step one: free consult call. This is our time to determine if couples counseling is appropriate, and if we will all be a good fit together.
Step two: assessment session all together.
Step three: at least one individual session with each partner.
Step four: come back together to discuss treatment goals and get working on those goals!
Treatment will vary from couple to couple, so this is how we start. Next steps after this assessment and intake process will be unique to your relationship and your goals. Generally, we meet weekly for some time, then fade to every other week.
That happens. Next best step is to schedule your free consult call to discuss your concerns with us, then based on your unique situation, we can suggest the following step.
The list is endless, but here are some of the main reasons couples come to counseling: recurring arguments, “fell out of love” but want to fall back into love, parenting disagreements, intimacy concerns, unable to manage stress together, communication concerns, stress within infertility, constantly at each others’ nerves.
Yep! Even when things are “well” or “fine,” couples come to couples counseling as a relationship check-up. Think of it as preventative maintenance. This type of counseling starts the same with joint sessions and individual sessions, but the path and cadence of treatment looks a little lighter in comparison to a couple needing help navigating a relationship that is on the rocks.
At ERA, we do couples counseling which is aimed at keeping the relationship intact. If you are going down the path of co-parenting by way of divorce or separation, there is specific counseling called “co-parenting counseling” that would be what you are looking for.
Couples counseling is not initiated if there is current domestic violence. If you are in this situation, please seek help and get yourself safe.
Yep! Studies have shown that couples counseling is effective. The important piece is all parties need to be honest, need to be ready to do the work, need to be open to change, and need to be invested in the process. It may not be easy, but it can be worth it.
Yes, it can! You can join the virtual session together, or from separate locations.
The short version is that is a super well researched and validated method of couples therapy with a high rate of success in improving and preserving relationships.
The long version:
ERA Wellness staff are trained in the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy based on Drs. John and Julie Gottman. Research contributing to this method of therapy focused on what makes relationships succeed or fail. This method is designed to help teach specific tools to deepen friendship and intimacy in your relationship, to help you productively manage conflicts and “resolve problems,” show appreciation to each other, and continue to navigate life together. This method of therapy is aimed to reconcile, maintain, and/or improve the relationship, keeping it intact.
Gottman Method Couples Therapy consists of five parts: assessment, treatment, “phasing out” of therapy, termination, outcome evaluation.
Early in the assessment phase, you will be given some written materials to complete that will help us better understand your relationship. In the assessment sessions, we will talk about the history of your relationship, areas of concern, and goals for treatment. There will also be times where you meet individually with your couples therapist. This will allow time to discuss your personal history, along with each having an opportunity to share thoughts, feelings, and perceptions. After the assessment sessions, your therapist will recommend treatment goals and your therapist is open to your feedback in relation to these therapy goals.
Most of the sessions with your couples therapist will be joint sessions, though there may be times outside of the assessment phase where individual sessions are clinically appropriate. There will likely be “homework” to do together and/or individually outside of sessions.
The length of therapy will be determined by your specific needs and goals. In the course of therapy, we will establish points to evaluate progress, satisfaction, and if there is any feedback you may have for your therapist.
“Phasing out” will occur when clinically appropriate, discussed, and agreed upon. “Phasing out” looks like going longer periods of time between sessions, while you maintain progress, and continue doing the “homework.” You may terminate therapy at any time, though it is highly recommended to have a discharge session to allow time and space to summarize progress, define work that remains, and discuss when it may be appropriate to return to therapy.
Following termination from couples therapy, outcome evaluation sessions are an option, upon request, at four regular intervals of six months, twelve months, eighteen months, and twenty-four months after successful discharge. These sessions have been shown through research to significantly decrease the chances of relapse into previous, unhelpful patterns.
At ERA, we have several tiers of clinician pricing. You can find our full fee schedule here:
Our couples session rates range from $150-$175 depending on the clinician. At times, we do have some sliding scale spots available. If this is needed, please ask your clinician during the consultation call.
Couples therapy is tailored to each couple, so there is no one-way to reach goals and no specific timeline. In general, couples in our practice meet bi-weekly for couples therapy for approximately 3 months. These are the sessions where a lot of ‘work’ is done both in and out of the session. From there, appointments tend to space out on the calendar, and check-ins look more like celebrating the wins, discussing anything that has come up, and revisiting how progress toward your goals are going.
If something in your relationship isn’t feeling quite ‘right,’ that’s a good indicator that couples therapy is right for you. If you are ready and willing to have some tougher conversations, make changes, and ultimately feel better, then couples therapy is right for you. A great first step is to schedule a free consult call with one of our therapists.
ERA's Favorite Couples and Relationship Resources
The Gottman Institute
The go-to organization for all things couples. The Gottmans are a husband and wife team who have dedicated their lives to researching relationships and how to make them successful. Jeni has been trained by the Gottman Insititute in their method for couples therapy.
The Card Decks App
I mean, we just said the Gottmans are the go-to… so this is from them too! Download this app on your phone to spark some conversations with your partner. Topics range from tame to downright spicy!