An Open Letter from a Therapist - Hopes for 2022


Whew. We made it through January. 

I was reflecting on the coming year, and thinking about what I hope for myself, my people, my clients, and the rest of the world this year. I wanted to share it, in case there’s something here that you need to hear too.


I hope you know yourself. I hope you find the pieces of you that have been suffocated by the past two years and make them full again. I hope you can settle into yourself and feel at home. I hope your soul can breathe. I hope you share yourself with the world in the exact way that you want to and nothing more. I hope you learn about yourself. I hope you grow.

I hope you see your worth. I hope you know how beautiful and worthy and spectacular you truly are. Not for anything that you do, but simply for being you in the exact way that you are in this moment and every moment forward. I hope you feel authentic and exquisite and valued.

I hope you know your limits. I hope you rest when you are tired, and know that it isn’t a failure. I hope you know that “No” is a full sentence, and you don’t have to explain yourself even when other people want you to. I hope you know that someone else not liking your boundary doesn’t make it a bad boundary. I hope you know that imperfections aren’t weaknesses. I hope you know that it’s ok to make mistakes.

I hope you feel your feelings. I hope you cry when you are sad. I hope you laugh A LOT. And not just a little laugh, but like the big hysterical I-can’t-breathe-anymore kind of laugh, deep in your soul. I hope you know that it’s ok to not laugh or smile if you just don’t want to. I hope you know you are worthy and wonderful even when you’re sad or feel broken.

I hope you find what feels good for you. I hope you let the “should”s and the “have to”s fade. I hope you know joy, and comfort, and nourishment. I hope you know that your feeling good doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s feeling good, and there really isn’t a right way to feel good. I hope you know that what feels good can change as often as you need or want. I hope you know you’re allowed to change.

I hope you see others. I hope you know that they are trying too, even if it doesn’t look like it. I hope you can access humility or an apology when needed. I hope that you can offer others and yourself the same grace that we all need right now, even if you are on opposite sides of the fence or the issue or the world. I hope you know that it’s ok if other people don’t like you, for whatever reason or no reason at all. I hope you know that it’s ok to disappoint people, even if they do like you. I hope you feel support and community. I hope you feel kindness and humanity. I hope you feel connection.

I hope you know that your opinion and your voice matter - that YOU matter. I hope you value your own thoughts and feelings, and respect them as the wisdom that they are. I hope you feel certainty in yourself. I hope you feel heard and seen. I hope you feel pride. I hope you shine. 

I hope you feel peace.

I hope you feel like you.


Black History Month Resources


Attention Management