Choosing a Word of the Year

As the new year unfolds, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past  and setting goals for a new year. This year, I wonder what it would be like to shift from creating lists, goals, and tasks, and instead focus on rest, play, and reflection. You’ll remember it was only a short two weeks ago that we celebrated the winter solstice - the longest night in the year. Jumping into a million new goals in the depth of winter sounds like a recipe for exhaustion! Instead, consider choosing a word or phrase to center for the year. Some of you may already hold this tradition, to others, this may be a new concept. 

In recent years, this practice has gained popularity as a mindful approach to guiding our next solar return: choosing a "Word of the Year." This intentional selection serves as a guiding light, a focal point that aligns our actions, decisions, and mindset throughout the upcoming months. This is a practice I began myself in 2019, and encourage you to consider this year. 

The Power of Words:

The words we use matter. Words hold immense power—they shape our thoughts, influence our emotions, and ultimately guide our actions. Choosing a Word of the Year is a conscious decision to harness this power and channel it towards personal growth and fulfillment. Unlike traditional resolutions that often focus on specific goals, a Word of the Year encapsulates a broader theme or intention. It becomes a mantra, a reminder, and a touchstone that resonates in various aspects of our lives. Choosing a word of the year to anchor yourself through the season can invite new spaces for introspection. What does “gratitude” mean to you in the winter? Is it different from what it means to hold “gratitude” in the summer? How do you embody “gratitude” day to day, moment to moment, season to season?

How to choose a word for the year:

Selecting a Word of the Year involves a process of introspection and self-discovery. It's an opportunity to reflect on your values, aspirations, and areas of focus. Consider the different facets of your life—career, relationships, personal development, health—and identify themes that resonate with your current mindset. Are you seeking balance, resilience, or perhaps a renewed sense of creativity? Your chosen word should encapsulate the essence of what you hope to cultivate throughout the year. Make a list and sit with them. Most people say that one sticks out a little bolder, a little brighter, or a little louder than the others. If this is your first time, maybe start with “gratitude,” “mindfulness,” or “boundaries.” Truthfully, you know what word is best for you - trust your gut. 

Alignment and Intention:

Once you've identified your Word of the Year, the journey begins. It serves as a compass, providing direction and alignment in your daily choices. When faced with decisions, challenges, or opportunities, return to your chosen word. Ask yourself how your actions align with its essence. Whether it's a decision at work, a relationship dynamic, or a personal habit, the Word of the Year becomes a touchstone for intentional living.

For example, if your chosen word is "authenticity," consider how you can infuse authenticity into your interactions, decisions, and self-expression. This mindfulness practice encourages a deeper connection with your values and a conscious effort to live in alignment with them.

Embracing Change and Growth:

Throughout the year, your Word of the Year may evolve and take on new meanings. Embrace this fluidity and allow your chosen word to guide you through the ebb and flow of life. It's not about rigidly adhering to a predefined path but rather about using your word as a tool for adaptability, growth, and self-discovery. 

Choosing a Word of the Year is more than a trendy practice - it's a mindful and intentional approach to living a purpose-full life. It encourages self-reflection, aligns actions with values, and serves as a source of inspiration and guidance. As you set out on whatever adventures lie ahead in 2024, remember that the power lies not just in the word itself, but in the mindfulness and intentionality with which you infuse it into your daily life. 

So, what word will you choose to shape your year ahead? This year, I’ve chosen two words. One is an outward facing word and the other is just for me to consider privately, examine intimately, and cherish individually.

May your word of the year fill you with intention, alignment, and mindfulness. 

With gratitude, 



The SPICES of Life


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