Is Art Therapy Right for Me?

Hi there!

I am thrilled to be writing a blog post for ERA Wellness. I want to touch on art therapy today for everyone reading. Let’s dive in and discuss how this approach could be an additional benefit to your current therapy sessions or a great way to help you experience therapy if traditional talk therapy doesn’t feel like the best fit for what you need. 


You may have some questions about art therapy. Here are some things to consider to help you decide if art therapy is right for you… 


What are the benefits of art therapy?

Art therapy has several benefits to it. The first would be that it can help with stress. I know from personal experience that taking time to make art has decreased my stress levels. Plus! This process has allowed me to slow down and process non-verbally. There is power in expressing your emotions through art, especially if you are not ready to talk yet. You may be asking yourself, what other benefits can there be to art therapy besides decreasing my stress? Well, art therapy can help you in a wide range of areas. Are you someone who experiences depression or anxiety? Are you someone who is diagnosed with OCD or ADHD? Are you grieving a loss? Whatever your current situation is, art therapy can be a beneficial way to cope with a loss or help manage your symptoms of your diagnosis.  

Am I comfortable with the material? 

Do you find yourself gravitating towards specific materials? Is there a specific type of art that you like to use? Are you familiar with what type of art materials you prefer? If not, that is ok. Art therapy helps you explore your boundaries through art materials. This process may even be challenging at times when starting something new and out of your comfort zone. Art therapy explores all different varieties of materials. Ask yourself what materials you might be comfortable with. Do you want to challenge yourself and explore unfamiliar art material? If not, that is okay! We work together throughout this process and explore your level of comfortability. 

What if I am not an “artist”?

If you're not an artist, I am here to reassure you that it is okay. You do not need to be an artist to start art therapy. I encourage you to have fun with the art materials and give yourself permission to play. This can be hard in the beginning to explore play through the therapeutic process. But the exploration of play, anyone can do! We all have an inner child that is ready to explore and be heard again. It is okay to get messy throughout this process and remember that nothing is perfect. 

If you found yourself thinking… “Wow! Art therapy could be right for me!” Then let's work together and get messy. I am here for you throughout this process to help you. If you are interested in learning more schedule a consultation with me below.


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