

This is a repost of something I wrote for my personal Facebook page. As therapists, many of us have been trained to be silent about our own beliefs, lest it impact our clients. But fuck that. My clients should know that I am anti-racist and will use my white privilege to be an ally to people of color. I am also linking several resources under the post, including information on anti-racism, perinatal mental health issues for women of color, and stuff to use with your kids.

I could write a lot about how much my heart breaks to see what is going on in our world right now.
But I won’t - because I don’t think we need another white lady making it about her.

Educate yourself. It is YOUR responsibility to teach yourself and your children about the poison of racism. It is YOUR responsibility to be anti-racist. Actively anti-racist. Vocally. Loudly. Over and over and over.

Support activists and speakers and leaders that are black. Share their posts. Absorb their words. Reflect on your own bias (we all have them). It is YOUR job to do that work and inform yourself, no one else’s. Accept feedback and apologize when you fuck it up (because you probably will and so will I) and then do better. Support black and brown owned businesses. Listen to your friends that are black or other people of color. Stand with them. See them. See their pain.

Do better. Silence is violence.


#amplifymelanatedvoices Volume 1 - Books and #Blackoutbestsellerlist


How to Find YOUR Therapist