Grateful November 2022

It’s that time again! Grateful November is upon us.

Did I forget about it until last week? Yes. Did I only remember because Jeni asked me about it? Also yes. So for starters I’m grateful she reminded me, because it’s one of my favorite things to do in the fall. And I LOVE FALL. It always feels like a time of renewal and new opportunities to me. It feels like a time to consider what feels right and shed what doesn’t. So what better time to be grateful for and draw my attention to what does feel really good in my life?

Check out my blog from years past for the total overview of what we’re doing and why we’re doing it, and some ideas for how to hold space for your own gratitude practice this month. But the point is - gratitude has a TON of benefits. You can do your Grateful November however you want, it doesn’t have to look exactly like mine. Make it yours. That’s one of the things I love about it. It does NOT have to be time consuming. It does NOT have to be elaborate. Sometimes simple is the way to go.

This year I’m doing Grateful November in two ways:

  1. Tracking on a calendar. This was the original way that I did it the first year, and I like it. It’s quick and simple. I do often also post my daily gratitude on social media because it feels like it keeps me accountable and maybe someone else will pick up that practice also.

  2. Sending notes to people I’m grateful for. This I’m also going to track on another calendar so I know who I sent what to, but these I won’t post. These are just for the person they’re written to and will hopefully help them feel a little bit appreciated.

This is the calendar I’m using, because I think it’s super pretty and I’m into that kind of thing (find the other months here if you’re interested). I’m also printing this version out for my kids to color and fill in daily with me. There are some other good simple ones here if you’d like something a little more minimal.

I’ll be posting throughout the month about how I’m doing with both gratitude practices, how my kids are reacting, and maybe even a little bit about how my notes of appreciation are received.

Ready to do your own Grateful November? Share what you’re doing by November 6, and then follow up with me at the end of the month to update me on how it went. Anyone who completes their month of gratitude will be entered to win a surprise!

Participants do NOT have to be clients of ERA Wellness to participate or win. Participants must be located in the continental US so the prize can be shipped if needed. Please share your initial gratitude practice either on our Facebook post discussing this blog entry or via email to by midnight on November 6. At the end of the month, check back in for details on how to make your final submission to enter to win!


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