Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Heyo! It’s that special time of year again - Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week! (Not what you were thinking, huh?)

But, really, this is an important week. This year, the theme is “Motherhood is not Black and White”. There are spirit days happening all week long, with opportunities to share social media posts as well as post your own pictures and stories.

There are a couple ways to participate

  • Join in on the PSI spirit days. You can join the local Milwaukee climb here.

Climb Calendar - May 4 - 10.png
  • Join the “Making over Motherhood” campaign and post all week long about what real motherhood looks like to you. Sometimes its funny, sometimes its dark, sometimes it’s sticky, sometimes it’s all of the above.

    You can learn more about that campaign and sign up here.


This week can be tough for a lot of people. All of the posts might bring up some tricky stuff for you. You might not be ready to share your story. That’s ok. Protect your own heart. We’re opening the conversation here and gaining some awareness, but do what feels right for you in how much you share or how much you read. Be kind to yourself!


MMH Week 2020 - Getting Vulnerable on a Monday


What’s therapy like?