What the what is a PMAD?


PMADs are Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders. It is kind of a catch-all term for all of the mental health stuff that can occur during the perinatal period, which is pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It does also encompass infertility, adoption, and loss and can absolutely occur in non birthing partners. Overall, between 1 in 5 and 1 in 7 people will experience a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder in their lifetime.

PMADs include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD, and psychosis. The clinical criteria for each is the same as for the non-PMAD versions, but onset is during the perinatal period. It’s a common misconception that PPD (depression) is the only mood disorder that can strike during this period. I see a LOT of moms with PPA (anxiety) or PPOCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Many moms don’t necessarily feel sad either while pregnant or postpartum - they’re ANGRY. That rage feeling is a huge indicator of anxiety. The rage can be very uncomfortable and shameful, and therefore really hard to talk about.

Suicidality is sadly one of the leading causes of death in perinatal women, about 28% of all perinatal deaths (source).

Perinatal psychosis requires IMMEDIATE treatment. If you suspect someone you know is experiencing perinatal psychosis, please call 911 or take them to the nearest emergency room if it is safe to do so. Do not leave them alone.


Information on the chart above was taken from Postpartum Support International at postpartum.net. Please visit their website for additional information and resources.


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