Why You Need a Therapist - Like, Now

I mean… obviously if you’re here you know that I’m a therapist. And I really pretty much feel like everybody needs therapy for one reason or another. But what is that really going to do for you? Let’s discuss.

A good therapist will:

  1. Help you feel less alone

    Validate, validate, validate. That’s what us therapeople do all day long. We get feelings and we get how you feel and why. Just knowing that somebody gets wtf you’re going through can be super helpful. It’s not just you!

  2. Give you objective and confidential feedback

    Could you just talk to a friend? I mean, maybe. But your friend is going to be biased in their opinion of the situation. A therapist is going to help you consider different sides to what is going on and come up with options for whatever you need help with. You can tell them your spouse is being a dick and there are no outside repercussions or weirdness at birthday parties. They’ll also probably tell you if you’re wrong. That’s invaluable. We literally cannot legally tell people the stuff in your sessions (with some obvious exceptions like if someone is in immediate danger). All that shit goes to the grave, so spill everything!

  3. Be on your side

    I’m not going to sugarcoat stuff and agree with you on everything - but I am always rooting for you. I want you to be successful. I want you to get what you need to out of therapy and then spread your wings and fly out into the world like the beautiful butterfly you are. Sometimes that includes some tough love, but it’s always with your best interest and therapeutic goals in mind.

  4. Coach you through tough situations

    Some stuff is hard to admit out loud. Your therapist has heard a whole lot of stuff and I can pretty much guarantee what you’re working with is not the most shocking thing they’ve heard. You might not want to talk to your besties about how you’re dissatisfied or unfulfilled in your life, or if you’re ashamed to admit that being a mom kind of sucks sometimes. Your therapist can help you wrap your head around what’s going on.

  5. Give you space to focus on YOU

    This could not be any more important right now, in COVID-era America. There’s some crazy shit going on in our world and communities right now, and sorting through all of that is HARD. And on top of that - now you’re more than likely working professionally in a different way and maybe with kids at home. You need time for you. NEED. Not want, need. Things are harder than ever and it’s ok to need some extra support. And your session is all about YOU. No need to worry about monopolizing the conversation with a friend or feeling like you’re complaining.

You deserve to feel good. You deserve to enjoy your life. Talking to a therapist is a great step in that direction. Click here to schedule a consult with me. You can also email me anytime to help connect you with a different therapist if I’m not a good fit for what you need.


Bonus: telehealth with me often includes a cameo from this hairy fool, Twinkie!


The COVID 15


#amplifymelanatedvoices Volume 3 - Supporting Businesses and Making Changes