Asking for Help


Asking for help can be really, really hard. Like, REALLY hard.

Odds are you’ve been holding these feelings back for a long time. Thinking maybe things will get better. Maybe you’ll stop feeling this way. Hey, you’ve had some good days, maybe you’re finally past it.

Then the feelings strike again. You know you need help. You know you should talk to someone about it. You know you should let someone in to how you’re doing. But, honestly, you’ve spent so long hiding your true feelings that you’re not quite sure how to tell someone how you’re doing anymore.

Enter this handy dandy help card. Print it out, check the stuff that applies to you, and give it to someone you trust. Heck, screenshot that thing if you need to.

Not sure where to get help? My number’s on the bottom. Call or email me ( and I’ll either help you or help you find someone who can.

Things can get better. Here’s the first step.

Download the help card here.


Forgiving Yourself


How to Give Support